The Lord did not people the earth with a vibrant orchestra of personalities only to value the piccolos of the world. Every instrument is precious and adds to the complex beauty of the symphony. All of Heavenly Father’s children are different in some degree, yet each has his own beautiful sound that adds depth and richness to the whole. Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Understanding being transgender within a gospel context.

We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

One of my biggest struggles in coming to terms with being Transgender, was how or if this can even work within a gospel context.  First of all, lets get one thing clear, biological sex does not equal gender.  If you are interested in learning more about the differences between gender, sex, sexual orientation and gender expression, please click Here.  (I will be doing a more detailed post about this particular graphic later.).  We know of people who are intersex, or they have both sets or neither sets of genetila.  My supervisor once worked with a hermaphrodite.  The Doctor asked the parents if they wanted a boy or a girl.  The mother wanted a girl, and she was made a girl.  However, as this girl grew up, she never felt like a girl, despite being raised as one, and having all the proper parts.  She decided to transition to a man, whom she felt she was from the get go.  These cases are easy to diagnose because it is an outer expression of an intersex condition.  For many transgender individuals, I believe that this is an intesex condition of the brain.

Over the past year, as transgender has become more of a hot button topic, I have heard comments from church members such as "God doesn't make mistakes, he wouldn't send a woman's spirit into a man's body (or vice versa).  Arguments for this point generally come from this line in "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" it states that "Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal and eternal identity and purpose."  I sustain this proclamation. It also states that " Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation." I don't believe that God makes mistakes, and we also must realize that we live in a fallen world, full of genetic abnormalities.  Did God make a mistake with people who are born without a limb, with club feet, downs syndrome, cleft lip/pallet.  Did God make a mistake with Nick Vujicic?  His movie The Butterfly Circus is a wonderful movie in which he learns to love himself despite all the negative things he had heard his whole life, and a man who helped him to see he is more than just a person with a disability. So again, I ask the question, did Heavenly Father make a mistake? I believe the answer is no, God did not make a mistake, but as Jesus said in John Chapter 9:3 when his disciples asked him who had sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. In all these cases genetics messed some things up.  There is growing evidence that Gender Dysphoria is a medical condition, not a psychological one.  In this article (which you can read, if you want to), it basically states that the brain structures of Male to Females (which is how I identify) more closely resembles that of a female brain, than a male brain, and in particular the Hippocampus appears to more closely resemble that of a female brain.  You can read that article Here.

So, all that being said, please consider these two possibilities.  One, as far as I know, (and please correct me if I am wrong), we don't know when the spirit enters the body.  Is it at conception?  At birth, or somewhere in between.  According to this article at WebMd, sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) begin to influence a fetus at 26 weeks.  So, just for arguments sake, lets say that the spirit enters the body at conception.  A female spirit,meant to go into a female body.  Then due to some unforeseen circumstances due to genetics the fetus doesn't absorb the proper hormones needed to develop the body they were supposed to have.  (Other studies indicate that this can be attributed to certain chemicals such as DDT.)  Or, consider this example.  A male spirit is born into a male body, however also due to genetics going haywire, their brain develops more like a female, making them feel as though they are a female.  Either way, it is genetics and a fallen world contributing to these issues. 

So, what else does the church state about being Transgender?

In short, not much.  Other than the Proclamation on the Family that I mentioned above, and a little blurb in the Church Handbook of Instructions which states that "elective sex reassignment surgery may be cause for church discipline", not much is known or understood about this issue by the Church.  In a recent Trib Talk interview, Elder Oaks acknowledged as such. You can watch the whole interview  Here. The topic is approached at about the 11:00 minute mark in the video, and his comments about "the unique challenges of a transgender individual" comes at about the 14:00 mark.  In summary, he states "We have been acquainted with Lesbians and Homosexuals and their challenges for quite some time, however in regards to a transgender situation, this is something that is newer to us and  I think we have some unfinished business on that, and more teaching to do." This statement by Elder Oaks makes me think of the 9th article of faith, which I started this blog.  I believe that the Lord will YET reveal other truths to his church.  This being said and being transgender, this leaves each person who is transgender and wanting to remain active and faithful in the church with much soul searching, relying upon the Lord and their own personal revelation.  Since becoming more active in Northstar, I have met people who feel it necessary to socially transition (dress, and present as their perceived gender) and have done so with their Bishop's and Stake President's blessing.  They come to church as female (or male), are addressed by their preferred name etc. They hold temple recommends and are able to attend the temple. (however they are asked to dress as and sit on the side of the aisle of their biological gender.)  I also have met people who choose to do nothing.  They pray, read their scriptures and don't act upon these feelings and I have met others who manage these feelings more in the middle, such as dress on occasion, and take some form of hormones to help balance the emotions.  I can tell you that each one of them came to these conclusions only after much prayer, fasting, consulting with priesthood leaders and family members. I recently watched the movie "A Beautiful Mind," and I find it interesting that Dr. John Nash was able to manage his schizophrenia with no medications.  I certainly would not recommend that for everyone, but for him it worked.  The same principle I believe can be applied to Gender Dysphoria.  Each person needs to find what works for them.

What about Talks given by General Authorites that state the church doesn't compromise on gender identity?

Again, there have been some talks given by apostles that state that the Church won't compromise on gender identity.  Two talks that have been cited are linked Here (This is from Elder Dallin H. Oaks) and Here (From Elder Boyd K. Packer). The Lord provides information line upon line, precept on precept.  The Church at one time forbade African Americans from holding the priesthood and conference talks were given defending that position, and some even claiming they would NEVER hold the priesthood.  Elder Packer has given two talks in General Conference stating that homosexuality is a choice. To Young Men Only, and more recently in his October 2010 address.  This was not only Elder Packer's stance, it was also what the church taught.  However, if you look up Mormon's and Gays on the front page, it states "The experience of same-sex attraction is a complex reality for many people. The attraction itself is not a sin, but acting on it is. Even though individuals do not choose to have such attractions, they do choose how to respond to them. With love and understanding, the Church reaches out to all God’s children, including our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters."  Did the church cave to societal pressure to change their position on these issues?  I don't believe so.  Do I believe that these men were wrong in what they were teaching?  No, I do not, I believe that they were speaking in regards to the information they had on the topic at the time. I believe that through much study, prayer and conversations, the Lord was able to direct his servants to change course. I have heard it said that information is key to inspiration.  I believe that conversations such as I am having on this blog and through the Journey's of Faith project we are working on providing information to inform inspiration.  I see Elder Oaks' comments in the Trib Talk interview that there is much that has not been revealed regarding transgenderism, nor has there been any direct counsel from the Church on how a person with Gender Dysphoria can cope with these feelings as noted above.  So, while the church has a stance regarding the importance of gender in this life and in the eternities, I have not yet come across any counsel addressing what is and is not appropriate in regards to managing these emotions, (again, with the exception of "sex reassignment surgery may be cause for Church Discipline). This has led to what has been termed "Bishop Roulette", with one Bishop having no problem with how a person copes, while others will hand out consequences.  For instance, some Bishops see "cross dressing" as an acceptable way to manage these emotions, as there is no specific church counsel that "men must wear male clothes at all times, and women must wear women's clothes at all times"  However some see this as an addictive activity, one which is a "slippery slope" to transition, surgery, leaving the church or their family.  This argument holds little weight as evidenced by this Blog Post.  In it, it states that the best estimates for those who identify as transgender is between 1 in 300 to 1 in 500, and the amount of people who actually have gender confirmation surgery is between 1 in 30,000 and 1 in 50,000.  So, clearly not every transgender individual will end up having surgery and it is a very small minority that do pursue this course. 

Circling around to the beginning of this post.  I am not denying that gender is an eternal concept.  It has been taught in the scriptures, and more recently as part of the Family Proclamation that this is a true concept.  The proclamation teaches about the importance of Gender Roles and their importance in this mortal world and in the eternities.  I personally embrace my roles as father, and priesthood holder.  I feel as though my brain is female, causing these feelings of disconnect between my inner and outer self, however I believe my spirit to be male, making it easier for me to be able to embrace these roles. The Proclamation also allows for individual circumstances to change due to disability or other issues. The other point I hope to have established is that to be Transgender is not a choice. Why would a person choose something that leads to such pain, is cause to such social stigma, and judgement from others?  It just isn't the case. I  I am hoping to show that one can be Transgender and remain in the church and I feel that Northstar and their Journey's of Faith project can begin to bust the stereotype that the two can not co-exist. You can like Northstar's Journey's of Faith page here or visit their page directly  


  1. Truly insightful & informative. I appreciate being able to begin understanding this issue better.

  2. Truly insightful & informative. I appreciate being able to begin understanding this issue better.

  3. This is complete NONSENSE and people taking the words of Prophets and Apostles and SPIN it to justify a position when ALL it is in REALITY is the philosophy of MAN nothing short of MOCKING God!! You can NOT justify SIN!!

    Is it a SIN to have same sex attraction??? NO!!! However, ACTING on it is MOST CERTAINLY IS A SIN!! It would be like saying that the TEMPTATION is as BAD as the SIN!!! NOT SO!! Once a person ACTS on the TEMPTATION and GIVES IN, then you have crossed the line and have SINNED and need to REPENT!! I can NOT sugar coat if for people!!
    GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED!! This is EXACTLY what Satan wants people to believe!! That it is just fine and dandy to VIOLATE the LAWS of God and of NATURE and God will just beat you with a few stripes at the last day......
    Even the LEAST degree of sin will keep a soul from entering into the presence of our Father in Heaven!Our Father and Heaven has LAWS and COMMANDMENTS for a REASON!! God will NOT just up and deviate and then VIOLATE His own laws just to appease some people that want things their way!! The Lord has set and given LAWS and COMMANDMENTS that MUST be OBSERVED, RESPECTED and OBEYED PERIOD!!! The violation of such will bring upon a person(s) consequences if NOT followed PERIOD!! Just because the world will accept some things does NOT mean that God will.
    However, there is this thing called REPENTANCE!! Don't be so easily deceived people!! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is VERY CLEAR and stands FIRMLY with The Lord's stance on Homosexuality and Transgender etc..
    IT IS WRONG and will keep a precious soul from returning back to our
    Father in Heaven!! Why people CHEER on for the DESTRUCTION of a precious soul of person trying to return back to our Father in Heaven and SO UTTERLY DECIEVE THEM is BEYOND me!!!!!
    Think about people, you are CHEERING on a person to FAIL in the ETERNITIES!!!
    Pretty messed up if you ask me.....Just ask God what is RIGHT and WRONG!!!!
    I can tell YOU right now that HOMOSEXULITY and SAME SEX MARRIAGE as well as TRANSGENDERISM is UNHOLY and if VIOLATED and NOT REPENTED of WILL bring upon a person the FINAL JUDGEMENT of GOD!!!
    I just HOPE that some people will REALIZE and UNDERSTAND this before they FACE that FINAL JUDGMENT that determines their ETERNITY!!!
    This is NO JOKE PEOPLE!!! Just think about it ok???
    WE can NOT HIDE from God!!! What do you want me to say??

    SIN IT UP and God will FORGIVE YOU???!!!!??? GOD WILL if YOU REPENT!!
    Get a CLUE people!!

    1. Adam, you seem pretty certain that acting on any Transgender feelings is a sin. First I would say, that only ONE person is my Judge and that is Jesus Christ. I'm grateful that he is my Judge and not you, for you have already cast me out, without understanding what I or any of my Transgender friends have gone through. You are right though, acting on Same Sex feelings is defined as a sin. Transgender and acting on those feelings, I would welcome you to supply any scripture, or teaching from Latter Day Prophets, or even the Church Handbook of Instructions to put me on the right path. I'll give you as many weeks as you need, just keep searching, you won't find anything. Thechurch has said very little on the topic. Don't believe me. Check out this youtube clip from a certain apostle, Elder Dalin H. Oaks. About the 13:30 mark he says "This question about Transgender, we have been acquainted with homosexuals for quite some time, however the unique challenges that come from a Transgender point of view, I believe we have some more TEACHING to do on that.

      So, keep on judging, and remember that YOU will be judge with the same judgement that you mete out.
